Authentic shoes Influencers

Autenti Collections
The newspaper El Mundo publishes an interview with the founders of Autenti, a registered trademark of Penta Shoes, sharing their history, analysis of the company and trajectory, which position Autenti as the reference of Spanish bio, being the most sustainable sandal on the market.
All of them represent the bio-eco lifestyle, fashion, versatility and trends. And they will not leave anyone indifferent.
These influencers have a lifestyle and values similar to Autenti Shoes:
- Commitment to the environment, for caring for the planet in the production and product elaboration processes.
- Sustainable fashion: Awareness and preference for the consumption of slow fashion trends, promoting sustainable and responsible consumption.
- Healthy Lifestyle: A healthy and conscious lifestyle that promotes the consumption of natural products.
- Positive mind and attitude: generation of positive content that encourages Selflove and the creation of a Happy community.

* En el caso de no estar segur@ de la talla, recomendamos elegir una talla MÁS de la necesaria.
Ejemplo: Gastas un 37, elegir un 38